Growing Children

How Can I Get My Kids to Play Outdoor Play During the Winter?

Kids these days spend an average of seven hours a day looking at screens like phones, televisions, tablets, and more. Since it’s generally more entertaining to watch a show or interact with friends on a screen, more and more children are becoming sedentary early in their lives.  Gross motor development is essential to the overall

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Parents Should Watch For These Developmental Milestones

Some children are early walkers, talkers, or readers. Some children want to do everything like their big siblings while others like to just watch.  Every child develops at their own pace, but developmental milestones are one way that pediatricians and parents can anticipate upcoming skills and ensure each child is developing in a timely manner.

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Tips on Improving Patience in Children

While we tend to attribute impatience to children, everyone struggles with patience to a certain degree. Our fast-paced, instant-gratification culture usually allows us to avoid waiting for things we want.   Children are already prone to impatience. It’s no surprise that children these days, surrounded by instant gratification, usually lack patience. However, everyone would agree that

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Keep Your Kids Sharp Over the Summer at Penguin Crossing Academy!

New school supplies, new clothes, new teachers, new friends… There is a lot that’s new and exciting about the first day of school.  But what’s not exciting? Dusting the cobwebs off the knowledge and skills from the month of May.  Adults can all remember the frustration of recalling last year’s educational skills. While it’s important

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How Important is Story Time in the Evening?

Parents and teachers intuitively know that children benefit from being read to, but how important actually is story time? The science has proven that reading to children benefits them immediately and in the future! Children who are read to have: Better language skills – Quality literature improves language understanding, grammar, and sentence structure Increased vocabulary

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What Is Quality Literature? (Plus Age-Appropriate Book Guide)

You may have heard about the importance of reading to your child, but what books are best? Are they all created equally? How important is it to read quality literature? Quality literature opens your child’s world, inspires their imagination, and helps them learn grammar, sentence structure, vocabulary, art appreciation, and social and emotional skills. They

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